Bible Quiz on Women in the Bible

The Bible is the wisdom of God shared with humanity. A record of God’s dealings with humanity since creation. A guide for us all. It has withstood the test of time and the wisdom it offers cannot compare to any other.

the Bible introduced us to remarkable women who played pivotal roles in shaping the narrative of their time. In biblical times, women held diverse roles, reflecting the fabric of society. They were mothers, wives, leaders, and contributors to their communities. Although society then had different norms, the Bible reveals that women were integral to the unfolding of God’s plan.

The Bible affirms the value and importance of women. In the Book of Genesis, both men and women are created in the image of God, emphasizing their equal dignity and worth. Proverbs celebrates the wisdom of women, showcasing their intellectual and moral strength. The New Testament, too, highlights the significant contributions of women to the early Christian community.

How many of these women do you know? Their stories and what lessons can you pick from them?

This fun Bible quiz will refresh your memory and probably challenge you to pick your Bible and find out more about these women in the Bible. Play the quiz and see how well you do compared to others. Have fun!

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